Find details about 7 crystal systems here

The 7 Crystal systems A Crystal System refers to one of the many classes of crystals and lattices. In crystallography, the systems are associated with each other with a slight difference. Based on their point groups crystals and space groups are divided into seven crystal systems. The Seven Crystal Systems is an approach for classification depending upon their lattices and atomic structures. With the help of the lattice, it is possible to determine the appearance and physical properties of the crystal. It is possible to identify to which crystal system they belong. They are Seven Crystal Systems and are stated below with illustrated examples. 1. Triclinic System All three axes are inclined towards each other, and they are of the same length. Based on the three inclined angles the various forms of crystals are in the paired faces. Some standard Triclinic Systems include Labradorite, Amazonite, Kyanite, Rhodonite, Aventurine Feldspar, and Turquoise. 2. Monoclinic System It comprises...